CQLX Gracemere


Thompson Longhorn was responsible for the detailed design, fabrication, and installation of the upgrade works to the Central Queensland Livestock eXchange (CQLX) at Gracemere, QLD.

A comprehensive redevelopment plan was formulated through an extensive planning phase, to ensure the build was completed without interruption to the operation of the existing saleyard activities.

Once this planning process was complete, Thompson Longhorn was able to enter the detailed design phase. Once completed, the project was fabricated and installed in 13 stages across a three-year period. 

This was a challenging project due to the restrictions and limitations posed by existing infrastructure and continued business operation. These challenges were overcome by devising a methodology and design that allowed a significant amount of construction to take place before "cutting in" the new works. The entire project required careful planning, design, execution, and management. Thompson Longhorn ensured that CQLX remained fully operational through all stages of the upgrade. 

Project Gallery

Summary of Upgrade Work

  • Portable yards for use in existing Austadium pavilion as holding pens:
    - Disassembled when not in use and stored on site
    - Compact design and construction; modular elements

  • Two stand-alone automated pneumatic drafting facilities:
    - 8-way pneumatic pound draft with 360° pneumatic crowd
    - New concrete slabs to integrate with existing slab
    - Shade structure to cover all equipment
    - 4-way pneumatic lane draft integrated with existing fences

  • Gates throughout dip pens replaced

  • Holding pens constructed with elevated personnel walkways

  • Portable yards provided to maintain operational capability and functionality of saleyard

  • Selling pens:

    - 68 pens, 18m² each:
    - Elevated auctioneer's walkway
    - Suspended concrete public walkway

  • Separate public access walkway:
    - 4m above the ground
    - Connected existing public walkway with existing selling ring
    - Provided covered access to the saleyard complex, agent and site offices and public carpark

  • Gates in selling ring replaced with automated pneumatic gates

  • Automated weigh area:
    - Air gates at entry and in bugle, 360° pneumatic crowding yard and pneumatic slide gates
    - Bulk weigh facility: 10m x 3m weighbridge with 2-way exit and pneumatic vertical gates
    - Single weigh facility: weigh box and 9-way draft
    - 1200m² shade structure to cover all equipment

  • Off-scale delivery pens were upgraded in two separate stages to ensure full operational capability of saleyard

  • Public access walkway within the weigh area


  • Reduced labour requirement

  • WH&S compliant walkways and steps

  • Improved animal flow

  • Improved safety for both animals and personnel

  • Improved on-site effluent management

  • Increase quantity of sale pens

  • Increased quantity of holding pens